Outright this is a stunning piece of work by writer and director Alejandro Gonzalez Irrarritu. You may remember "21 Grams" or "Babel" perhaps?
Here is another interwoven tale that grips you from the opening scene.
I had not heard much about this film. Only that Javier Bardem was in it and he had scored Best Actor Award at Cannes.
Enough said.
In a tiny theatre on an Island, me and about 20 others were immobilised as we watched the life of "Uxbal" unfold. A most unusual life at that.
We soon realize that Uxbul is not long for this life .Yes we have seen man's struggle with mortality before but never quite like this.
Uxbul brings new meaning to the word "survivor"
He is a genuine Superman. Not only can he dodge and weave shady businessmen to put food on his childrens' plates.He can also see and communicate with the dead for extra pocket money.
Sounds implausible. A little. But it converts.
The most important story here is Uxbuls relationship with his family. The undying love for his children is what drives him to risk everything to ensure their ultimate survival.
We are also drawn into the complicated relationship he has with his ex wife "Marambra". A love affair that continues despite everything against it .
This part was thankfully given to actress Marciel Alvarez. "Marambra"is a women tormented by bipolar disorder. For such a common affliction we rarely see it demonstrated properly in film.
Sorry "Mr Jones" with Richard Gere does not count!
Marciel hits it right on the head. She skillfully eludes to the intoxicating nature of the manic state. So euphorically high with no rules and no fear of consequence. The reason most sufferers refuse their medication.
The cruel flipside leaves her unable to move and with few words left.
Thankyou for the truth Marciel.
Despite his invincibility, Uxbul struggles with his impending fate. His own connection with the other side fails to comfort him.
After furthur soul searching,Uxbul begins to surrender and he is able to let the Universe take over and do its job.
The final scenes provide a wondrous clarity that is both unexpected and uplifting.
As mere mortals,we will all endure the loss of those closest to us. This beautiful film assures us that we will all have the opportunity to return to them once more.
For that Alejandro, I am truly grateful.
For you Mr Bardem,no words can describe your limitless power as a performer.
Sorry Colin Firth,your colleague here deserved the golden statue more than you.
You are also the most desirable man with a pony tail I have ever seen!
I'm with you 100% on this, Jax. A really terrific film. I favor harsh reality myself rather than life in the clouds, so I liked the brute realism of this fine cinematic journey. As always, well said, Jax.