Hello there.
I know I have been a little quiet of late.
Basically, there has been nothing that has rocked me to the core.
As I get older,I aim to be more succinct and not waste words.
The following feature however could not pass by without comment.
"Irreversible" is a 2002 French feature directed by Gaspar Noe.
My only prior knowledge was that it had a feature length rape scene in it.
As a woman, I inevitably refrained for a long time.
Eventually, curiousity won and I endured a 94 minute visual and emotional assault like no other.
This movie, like "Memento" is set in rewind. Beginning with the gruesome outcome and finishing with an optimistic start.
Each scene is shot with multiple takes before being digitally edited. This gives each scene the illusion of being shot in one take only.
The eratic cinematography at the beginning left me feeling scattered and a little queasy. A dingy Gay bar where ANYTHING goes set the scene for the most horrific execution Ive ever witnessed. (and I've seen Full Metal Jacket AND Passion of the Christ!)
I couldnt quite fathom the choices that Mr Noe had made. I had to look away several times during this scene.
Furthurmore, I pondered could it get any worse?!!!?
"Alex" then appears; played by the ridiculously good looking Monica Bellucci. (She's also a freakishly talented actress too)
Granted I knew it was coming;but found the sexual and physical torture of Monica's character unbearable. The director really soaks up the moment and does not censor one second. As the audience we are condemned to be in that very underpass with her without being able to help.
It confirmed to me that any man or woman who takes sexual advantage over another deserves the same fate as a murderer.
Without question.
This abuse of power may allow the victim to eventually recover physically but will permanently stain them emotionally. Fracturing all their relationships with others.
Just when I'd had enough,I saw one of the most tender celluloid love scenes between "Alex" and "Marcus" (played by Vincent Cassell-my pin up of the month)Interestingly enough this pair is married in real life.
We see them realistically chat and caress "postcoitus". The attention to detail is exquisite. Bellucci's hair, ever so greasy from her afternoon of ardent lovemaking with her new boyfriend.
Rachel also explains that she might be pregnant and we realize how both characters would be ok with it.
Having a relationship outside of the movie gives an actor so much to draw from. Hence the relationship is so much more real for the audience.Look at other successful screen/life pairings-Hepburn/Tracey, Taylor/Burton Allen/Keaton etc.
This film is powerfully obvious but equally symbolic.
Its juxtaposed plot and strong themes require no commentary from me.
We are sad that we see the fate of our protaganists violently spewed out. It stings even worse when we see them revelling in pleasure the very afternoon before it happens.
The essence of IRREVERSIBLE is simple-
such is life but ultimately in the end "time destroys everything"
Watch with caution.
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