Hi folks,
Sorry to have been so long. I have been busy exploring this beautiful State.
Difficult to return and assume my life as a Food service assistant once more.
Gotta pay the rent I guess.
Any hoo, I just sat down and got through the above mentioned title by Galt Niederhoffer (you reckon he's Jewish?)
One should always be skeptical when there is a new release with well known actors that no one has heard of.
Inevitably, I wasted 96 minutes enduring average acting and tedious dialogue.
This movie tried to tell a story that has already been told a million times. Aka "The Bill Chill", "St Elmos fire""Threesome" "Rachel getting married" etc
The stage was set for a sexy romp where a group of former college students who have all slept with each other delight in doing it all over again.
A badly written script has the effect of a deflated souffle'. If you dont put the right ingredients in and pay constant attention you are gonna to have a dud result.
This can often happen when not enough attention is payed to a characters' backstory. The character appears two dimensional.
As were all of the contenders here. Luckily they were all lovely to look at.
I did like aspects of Elijah Wood's character as an insecure smart ass. He was almost bordering on intellectually disabled. But it worked.
Another standout was the lithe Anna Paquin. She has come along way since her Oscar winning performance in "The Piano"
( I felt she was undeserving at the time)
Her character of "Lila " was wonderfully constructed. An unemotional bride to be who keeps her eye firmly on the prize at all times.
The prize in this case was the groom "Tom" played by Jonhny Knoxville doppleganger Josh Duhamel.
Candice Bergan was a treasure as always but I fear she can no longer pass for characters in their 50's anymore.
The cover of the box clearly stated:"Katie Holmes does the performance of her life"
I dont think so.
If this was Katie's finest hour ,she should return to Scientology services with Suri pronto.
A good love story should light you up and have you enveloped in the sexual tension.
Desparately clinging to the outcome of will they end up together or not...
Sorry folks this aint no "Gone with the Wind".
Thats a no from me.
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