This film is marvellous!
I knew Id be in for a treat if David Stratton was giving it four stars. Furthurmore, it had gained a series of International nominations for acting and directing.
"Blue Valentine" is a profound love story shown to us from both the past and present.Warm fuzzy beginnings are juxtaposed with tense and violent outbursts.
It stars the angelical Michelle Williams as "Cindy" the tortured prom queen and the delicious Ryan Gosling as "Dean" the lovable fuck up.
The chemistry between these two players is palpable. They skillfully illustrate the addictive nature of any co dependent relationship-where you cant live with or without one other.
This chemistry was all thanks to their director Derek Cianfrance. Dererk is a former documentary maker who goes well beyond the call of duty. "Blue Valentine" became a 12 year project for Derek. After several re writes;he assumed best friend status with both Michelle and Ryan. Forcing them to reevaluate themselves in order to bring legitimacy to the characters they were portraying.
Derek challenged the actors with improvisational experiments forcing them to sink AND swim.
He was relentless in his pursuit for authenticity. To be immersed in their environment,both actors lived together with their pseudo daughter on a budget for a months time. Some of the dialogue we see exchanged between the two is actually the first take that was filmed. As an audience we are served REAL people with real reactions.
Thank you Derek.
There simply isn't enough of this kind of film making around.
The premise for the film wasn't entirely original.
Who cares!
Every frame was beautifully and originally executed.
As far as Im concerned,despite Dawsons Creek, Michelle Williams has not put a foot wrong as an actor. She was born to be on the screen and is captivating as Cindy. She carefully demonstrates how even the most beautiful and talented being can think so little of themselves.Continuing to make bad choices their whole lives. All the while questioning why everything always turn to shit. Cindy is not alone.
Ryan. This is no "Notebook" boys and girls. Ryan was able to play an earnest loving father and husband. Unfortunately with no direction in his life and alcohol as his fuel; he could easily morph into someone slightly reminiscent of Jake Lamotta.
Despite their genuine adoration for each other and their little girl "Frankie" played by Faith Wladyka (well done Faith,the lisp was a little over done)these two just couldn't meet in the middle. Are we sad, dissapointed, disillusioned?
For me the message is clear.
"Blue Valentine" is a wake up call to all you love hopefuls.
At the end of the day,life is YOUR journey,your choices.
In this way the catch cry of the film "Nobody baby but you and me" is deconstructed.
A relationship is there to enhance that journey NOT fill in the blanks.
You cant blame someone if YOU forgot to take out the trash.
You dig?
See it NOW!