Hello my friends.
So we meet again.
The movie I want to talk about today is interesting to say the least.
"9 songs" opened to intense controversy. For the first time since porn do we see two actors actually "doin it" "makin love", "rubbin uglies"etc (no flesh colored undies or nuttin)
Despite the controversy,it formed part of the Official selection at both Sundance and Cannes in 2004.
This 71 minute feature includes live footage of nine concerts (my favourite being the irrepresible Franz Ferdinand)
These concerts form the backdrop for a frenzied sexual affair between young American student "Lisa" played by Margo Stilley and glaciologist "Matt" played by Kieran O'Brien.
Director and writer Michael Winterbottom (of "24 hour party people" fame)gets straight to the sex stuff.
He doesnt really bother with a script and there is only the vague remnants of a plot.
Nevertheless,I found the sex scenes to be intensely captivating. Sure, I was blushing a little but it was so REAL!
Reminiscent of what the Europeans do just a little more X rated.
He show us how sexual desire for another can be both intoxicating and addictive.
All of this and it has nothing to do with Love.
It doesnt seem to matter that there is no real character development here. The sex and the music are enough to steal the show.
Like most true tales,all good things eventually must come to an end.
Lisa was annoying at times. But what young,mentally unstable coke head isn't?After a while, Matt realizes he'd had his fill and that he is simply no match for Lisa's vibrator.
No hard feelings, just lots of horny memories.
Why not!?
A mature man's "Dude where's my dildo?"
Give it a go!
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