Thursday, June 2, 2011


Well it had been a long 18 months since my last installment of TRUE BLOOD.
Author/Psychiatrist Scott Peck taught me one of the best ways to endure this difficult life is to delay gratification.
In this way, the eventual outcome is more fullfilling and longlasting.
Have you noticed how the chocolate cake tastes sweeter when you haven't had any for a while....?
Similarily,how tender your lovers touch seems when they've been away for a week?
So too,no True Blood for a while results in some intensely salivating viewing!
It is wrong to describe True Blood simply as a show about Vampires. It is so much more than that.
With a creator like Alan Ball,how could it not be?
This man could make a 10 part series on "Mr Ed" and have us begging for more!
We are able to access his worlds so easily,that it makes it all the more difficult to pack up at the end of each season.
Funnily enough; I sat glued to a TV for 10 days while I watched his entire series "Six Feet Under"
In season three,we are introduced to more good (Fairys) and bad (werewolfs)supernatural powers.
All the favourites return for this sexy bloody feast.
Bloody,yes, gory no. Pornographic not,horny YES- me,indeed!
There was plenty of fresh meat in this season. In particular Joe Mangenellio as kindly werewolf "Alcide". Grrrrrr Grrrrrr!
Season three was able to be raunchy and romantic at the same time.
The scene where Bill and Sookie finally reunite is wonderfully warm and realistic.( It probably helps that these two are married in real life.)
The stand out casting decision for this season was Denis O hare as "Russell Eddington" The 3,000 year old Vampire King of Mississipi. WOW!
Its no surprise this guy has won several awards including a Tony.. A dynamo performance from start to finish. Denis skillfully demonstrates all that a Vampire king is:horny,seductive,cunning,beguiling. Denis-your a magician!
Under Balls commission,writers Alexander Woo and Raelle Tucker give us some wonderfully funny and poignant dialogue.
For instance – "Jason" to "Hoyt"- “Never thought I was really smart enough to get depressed.” or – "Russell"to "Eric": Throughout history I have aligned myself with or destroyed those humans in power, hoping to make a dent in mankind’s race to oblivion.What other creature actively destroys his own habitat?”
Its funny,informative and most of all original.
I cannot wait for Season four! (but I will)


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