Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I'm not quite sure what to say about this movie. I only heard about it from a fellow movie addict that seemed rather non plussed. Hence its direct to DVD status.
The title intrigued me and the cast didn't completely turn me off. After all, how many turkeys has Susan Sarandon made?
Peacock is the culmination of a few years work by writer/director Michael Lander.
Funnily enough the synopsis for this movie changed several times. The original script surrounded the trial and tribulations of a transvestite in the country. (Sound familiar)
Hence,we begin. Forget the transvestite,enter the confused young man with Multiple Personality disorder. (Oh shit-haven't we been here before too!!!) Christ why cant the Yanks come up with something original! Is it really that hard???!!!
The story unfolds to reveal nothing much. I love hearing the director say in the Extras "we really want to leave the audience with a lot of questions"
Why Michael? Why dont you just fucking answer them! Life is hard enough without shrouding it in MORE mystery.
"Peacock" is a strange attempt to fuse "Sybil" ""The three faces of Eve" and "Psycho".
The STAR of this movie is the relatively unknown Irish actor Cillian Murphy. He is often referred to as the "chameleon" in the buz for his complete physical and psychological transformation into character. "Peacock" is no exception.
Murphy who had to cover up his baby blues with boring brown contact lenses plays both "John Skillpa" a tortured young man who barely holds down his bank job and his alter ego "Emma" who lovingly protect and feeds him unlike his recently deceased mother.
It appears his "mother" starved him of many things.
"Peacock" picks up where "Psycho" left off. In fact the character of "John" is a carbon copy of the infamous "Norman Bates" in both demeanour and appearance. The notion of Emma as his protector is slightly more original. I must admit that Cillian Murphy is far more attractive as a woman than a man. Nice cheekbones!
The pair seem to have a nice synergy. That is until a fucking train ploughs into the backyard. PHALEAsE!!!!!
I wont spoil the plot,its already spoiled.
I WILL praise Cillian for his mighty effort. Here is a Christian Bale contender that we havent seen the last of. I always love Susan S and her enquiring hazel eyes. Ellen Page seems to have removed the large June Bug that was up her arse.
In terms of horn factor, Josh Lucas (yum yum) and yes I do like older men, Keith Carradine. (or Martha Plimptons dad)
Bill Pullman was delightful as Johns devilish boss at the Bank.
Good luck with this one people. All I know is that I fell asleep after 10 minutes and found myself watching the rest
begrudgingly in the morning.

Check ya,

Jax x

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